Πέμπτη 31 Μαρτίου 2016

Which career suits you the most? The science behind personality and career tests.

It is true that personality type tests and career tests are not trustworthy when they are taken individually, as they provide us with general answers and they do not take into account some traits of everyone’s character.

These tests use algorithms that return results, depending on the answers candidates give. They consist of questions (usually 20 to 100) that every candidate must answer. Every question aims to discover a personality trait. So, the more questions the test has, the more accurate the result will be. However, every personality is different and each character has many aspects that should be considered. That is what makes these tests inaccurate, as they give an outcome that is partially correct.

Are there any tests that consider all personality traits of every person? The answer is no. Would it be possible to develop accurate tests? Actually yes. That has to do with the accuracy of the algorithms that takes into account more parameters of each person's character. There are many companies working on developing such tests to build complex algorithms that can provide an accurate answer. Also, technology is advancing and we are a step closer to make this a reality.  But if these tests are not accurate, how can they be used? These tests, can give the candidate a "line to walk", the baseline of each character as their algorithms use basic questions to determine the core of the person.  They provide each candidate with answers on questions like, what is your motivation, would you like to work with many people and in a team or alone, and many others.

It is a mistake though, to think that one test can provide an answer that can be used standalone. The more tests someone takes the more accurate the result will be, as these tests are either extremely general or very specific. A combination of a wide range of these can give a great result that can be used to help the candidate take their next career step.

Of course, if someone doesn't want to manage this volume of information, career advisors help every candidate to better understand himself/herself and have a clear view of their future. They can help by combining all these tests together along with new technologies, to create a united result and provide the candidate with as many possible alternatives as they can find, based on the result of the tests.

Some of these tests are:
  • what skills we master the most, 
  • what we would be happy to learn and 
  • what our true motivation is
  • what is the best working environment for us

One of these tests, is the one by business insider, which helps you understand the work environment that would best suit you, according to your personality type.

Another test that is used more frequently is the 16 personalities test.

In this test that was developed by Mayer-Briggs, they use acronyms to declare some personality traits, e.g. I means Introvert. They also consider five basic personality's aspects Mind, Energy, Nature, Tactics and Identity. The results are shown in the form of percentages and are meant to show which categories someone falls under. 

Their system, is one of the most accurate on personality tests, and this is why it is very often preferred. 

This image can be found on Business Insider here

Author: Anastasia Chatzikontidou

Κυριακή 6 Μαρτίου 2016

Little things you can do every day to become smarter

Intelligence is  a word that describes more than just one way of developing a potential outcome.    

        Intelligence can generally be described as the ability to perceive information, and retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviors within an environment (Psychology Today)  
           There are nine types of intelligence, each describing a different way of brain operation. There is musical intelligence, naturalist intelligence, and logical-mathematical intelligence, existential, interpersonal, kinesthetic-bodily, linguistic, intra-personal and spatial intelligence (Gartner).

             Everyone has different kinds of intelligence, and those are that need to be developed more, as they are going to provide the person with more tools in life. When we read about things that will make us smarter or help our brain in that way, we read about how to boost our types of intelligence that dominate our character and at the same time help the other types of intelligence that are not as strong to become stronger.

             Jessica Stillman in her article "10 Small Things You Can Do Every Day to Get Smarter" says that there are little things we can do every day to help our brainpower increase. It is true that there are many times that we just follow a routine, without caring about the quality of work done. For this to stop, being mindful and aware of the present is crucial, while having imagination and many ideas can help us advance our work and take it to the next level.

"Intelligence is a work in progress. Maximize yours with these simple habits"

as Jessica says


And what are those habits?

  • Be smarter about your online time; don't spend too much time on social media and networking sites. There are many great online learning resources, which help you understand more on any subject.

  • Write down what you learn, taking a few minutes each day to to writing about what you learned is sure to boost your brainpower.
  • Make a list with what you did that day, that gives you a feeling of accomplishment and it helps your self-esteem so as to do more every day
  • Start playing scrabble and make puzzles, it helps your brain combine knowledge from different subject areas
  •  Have smart friends, “Keep a smart company. Remember your IQ is the average of five closest people you hang out with,” Saurabh Shah, an account manager at Symphony Teleca, writes.
  • Read a lot, every reading material has proved to be brain-boosting
  • Explain it to others,  “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough,” Albert Einstein said, and it is true, when you explain it to others is like you teach it to yourself again. In that way you will find what pieces lack from what you learn and you will fill the missing knowledge.

  • Do random new things. In order to have dots to connect, you need to be willing to try new things–even if they don’t seem immediately useful or productive.
  • Learn a new language.  Learning a foreign language can increase the size of your brain. This is what Swedish scientists discovered when they used brain scans to monitor what happens when someone learns a second language.

  • Take some downtime. This is the most important of all. "Downtime replenishes the brain’s stores of attention and motivation, encourages productivity and creativity, and is essential to both achieve our highest levels of performance and simply form stable memories in everyday life." Ferris   JabrIndicesα Scientific American. 



Howard Gartner, The nine types of intelligence, available at <http://skyview.vansd.org/lschmidt/Projects/The%20Nine%20Types%20of%20Intelligence.htm>  

Odyssey, Elissa Bowen, 2016 available at <http://theodysseyonline.com/kansas/intelligence-shaming/280189>

Psychology today, 2016 available at <https://www.psychologytoday.com/basics/intelligence>

Scientific American, Ferris Jabr, 2013, available at < http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/mental-downtime/>

The Guardian, Alison Mackey, 2014, available at < http://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/sep/04/what-happens-to-the-brain-language-learning>


Παρασκευή 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

How to Manage Time With 10 Tips That Work


It is true that calendars cant schedule your time for you . Google realized that  and tried to create an app that will organize your week according to the levels of energy you have. You can either determine these or use the median for all people.  As they tested, they found that the highest level of energy comes on Wednesdays. So this is the day when you should schedule the most energy consuming tasks.

This video shows in an effective way the steps we need to follow to manage our time and produce the best results. Of course things are still under investigation, but these techniques work. 

Τετάρτη 6 Ιανουαρίου 2016

Do only what you love

“We got sidetracked and diverted into these boxes, these cubicles in offices,” he says. “So
instead of investing your time in a passion, you’ve sold your life to
work for an uncaring machine that doesn’t understand you. That’s the
problem with our society. And what’s the reward? Go home and get a big
TV.” Joe Rogan

It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

Always Persue what you love because we only live once, so let's not be traped in the society's and in the world's traps. Never do something because you have to, you will be sad and sad people cannot produce full results, they cannot live with their full potential. Live with passion.


Πέμπτη 3 Δεκεμβρίου 2015

Balancing Our Lives

Do you feel that your work life is blocking all the other parts of your life?

Work-life balance is not easy to be accomplished, but when it is, it fills you with calmness and mindfulness and makes you feel happy.

The feeling that your life is not in balance comes from a deeper level of your life where you reason everything you do.

There is a moment in everyone's life when we realize that there is something more about life. It isn’t simply what it seems. It’s not surface, it has to do with human beings, that have energy, feelings, and passion and there is a reason we are here, driving through life. In this moment we realize that we can’t just do things anymore, everything has to matter in some way to ourselves, in order to do them. And this is the time that your feelings really drive your life. You are not able to control your life balance anymore and wonder what has happened. And then logic is becoming the headmaster of your thoughts and your life is in a good track at last. Balance is close to that point of life. But how can we make the balance in our lives stay?

I have researched this subject a lot, through religions or through psychology. I have read many books about balancing your life, and I have reached the following conclusion.  

The secret to achieve work-life balance, lays in everyday confrontation of your thoughts. Every day try to find some time, to relax and understand why you are doing, what  you are doing, be it your work, or your love life or even your hobbies. Awareness will bring the balance you want.  In that way you will feel that everything you do has value, it is important for you now and for your future self, and you will do it with more passion and happiness. 

It is important though to remember what is important in your life during this time. What are your values? In that way you create balance, as you give the attention that is needed to each field of your life.  Your values drive you, to use your energy in the way that you will be happy.  Then you just trust your inner voice that listens to your values and you are calm.

Books i suggest abour balance: The monk who sold his ferrariLearn to balance your life
Site:essential zen habits  

"Find your values in life, and apply them every day. Live with purpose, passion and awareness. Always have time to think why you are doing what you are doing, and balance will be achieved."

Anastasia Chatzikontidou

Τρίτη 24 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Brand Storytelling, the new marketing trend

Brand storytelling has been  developed as one of the best communicators between the company and the customer. The message that  corporation wants to pass is more easily passed in this way and customer loyalty, that is so desired is more possible.

Future Learn has a course about this field, called  Brand Storytelling, and explains in the best way how it can be used to attract customers and keep them loyal. It is true that from ancient years stories have survived, in contrast with plain facts. Is in the nature of human beings to remember stories more easily, in fact,  stories are 22 times more memorable, as Jennifer Aaker,  from Stanford University  explains,  than facts alone.

You can watch the video here.

Harnessing the Power of Stories
Harnessing the Power of Stories
Harnessing the Power of Stories
You can participate in these courses and get a certificate of completion and of course gain all this powerful knowledge about your company, and how to approach your customers.

Τρίτη 11 Αυγούστου 2015

Focus on your strategy not on distractions

Too many opportunities!!!Chaos, which one to choose? Which one is the right one for you? How can you know?

Well, I was looking at the LinkedIn profiles of some of my classmates in my university, and figured out that some of them are trainees in some very good universities like University of Illinois , ETH Zurich or somewhere else. You see that you lack the experience field in your resume. What do you do? No, no, no. The right question is not what do you do, is what you want to achieve long-term and will this particular action help you achieve it.

It is very easy to get out of track while you make progress with your job, when you focus on something else for a while. Do you have a strategy? If you do then you probably know what you are doing and you found out what makes you happy. Stick to it. Focus all your power in that, because that will lead you to your target. Follow your strategy; you have thought through it a lot.

If you haven't got a strategy, it's ok. You can start by what you like to do now. There must be something in your life that you like doing and focusing extra hard on it, could help you make your life more productive, more creative and happy. Then, see the things that could advance what you chose to follow and make a career around that subject.

Steve Jobs said on distractions in work, that it's not only what you focus on, but what you do not focus on too : "I am prouder for what I did not do, than what i did" Distractions can make you go out of your path and make you lose time in things that are really not important.