Organising Time

Organising Time

            Being able to organise your time effectively is one of the greatest skills someone could have.  Most of us are making a serious mistake when trying to organising our schedule for the first time and that is, that we don't leave any freedom to ourselves and our tasks, and we even schedule everything by the time we are going to do them. That applys only in dates or in meetings where time is scheduled for more than one person but when it comes to personal work things and priorrities change..

It is basic to understand, that, besides our appointments, in our personal work, freedom in the tasks we need to accomplish is needed. What i mean is, that when  for example you have the following things that must be accomplished:
  • you want to learn french
  • you need to take a certificate in something
  • you need to read for the semester to succeed in 4 courses
  • you work part time  or a freelancer
  • you are attending 3 programs in gym and you like go running 
  • you are in a ngo and have some responsibilities
  • people, friends, are calling you to meet 
  • you are running a project in work
  • you have two blogs 
  • and you plan your business 
Someone could say that this cannot happen, but that is not true.  There are 3 basic ways in which this can be accomplished.

1. understand the amount of work each of these things need and how much time will it take you to do it
2. prioritize, what needs to be accomplished and when (deadlines)
3.  have a general plan about the week

Then you must accept the intention you have to want to deal with all of those things, you must be able to understand why you are  doing it and where do you want it to lead you.

 After that, you plan in general everyday to do some things, like in to do lists, without time boundaries, but know that when you have an appointment you must leave earlier for this meeting.

Every day, except for appointments, you should prioritize what you will do, and if this is important to do it now , according to your general plan.

Remember! people hate to be prizoned. By saying that i will do that task between 14:00 and 15:00 and time goes 15:04 and you haven't finished yet, is really stressing and doesn't help you finish your work either so remember to give freedom to yourself when you don't have appointments.

If you use planners, i would suggest you calendars to schedule your appointments, and to do lists or goal setters for your free work time. 

This is the technique that i ended up, after using every kind of scheduling techniques, calendars, agendas. I have even tried to design my own agenda and i have reached a result that provides us a lot of freedom  and decision making throughout our days. In that way we accomplish more things, becoming more aware and happy while we make our decision making techniques stronger.

Feel free to comment, I am glad to hearing from you.


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