Do you feel that your work life is blocking all the other parts of your life?
Work-life balance is not easy to be accomplished, but when it is, it fills you with calmness and mindfulness and makes you feel happy.
The feeling that your life is not in balance comes from a deeper level of your life where you reason everything you do.
There is a moment in everyone's life when we realize that there is something more about life. It isn’t simply what it seems. It’s not surface, it has to do with human beings, that have energy, feelings, and passion and there is a reason we are here, driving through life. In this moment we realize that we can’t just do things anymore, everything has to matter in some way to ourselves, in order to do them. And this is the time that your feelings really drive your life. You are not able to control your life balance anymore and wonder what has happened. And then logic is becoming the headmaster of your thoughts and your life is in a good track at last. Balance is close to that point of life. But how can we make the balance in our lives stay?
I have researched this subject a lot, through religions or through psychology. I have read many books about balancing your life, and I have reached the following conclusion.
The secret to achieve work-life balance, lays in everyday confrontation of your thoughts. Every day try to find some time, to relax and understand why you are doing, what you are doing, be it your work, or your love life or even your hobbies. Awareness will bring the balance you want. In that way you will feel that everything you do has value, it is important for you now and for your future self, and you will do it with more passion and happiness.
It is important though to remember what is important in your life during this time. What are your values? In that way you create balance, as you give the attention that is needed to each field of your life. Your values drive you, to use your energy in the way that you will be happy. Then you just trust your inner voice that listens to your values and you are calm.
Books i suggest abour balance: The monk who sold his ferrari, Learn to balance your life
Site:essential zen habits
"Find your values in life, and apply them every day. Live with purpose, passion and awareness. Always have time to think why you are doing what you are doing, and balance will be achieved."
Anastasia Chatzikontidou